AI at the Helm

13 Feb 2024

Contributing to Mishcon de Reya’s new ‘For the Attention of the Board’ report, DRD’s Michael Rose offers his views on how senior management can best manage the implementation of AI.

“Until this week, the world did not even have a shared understand of the risks [of AI]” the Prime Minister proudly declared at the Bletchley Park summit in November last year. While the summit was undoubtedly considered a success, the world remains a long way off a universal, codified set of rules for managing AI technology.

How then should companies producing or deploying AI technology navigate the legal and regulatory landscape? What is the best approach to adopt when engaging policymakers and how can a proactive approach help prevent problems later down the line?

Contributing to Mishcon de Reya’s new ‘For the Attention of the Board’ report, DRD’s Michael Rose offers his views on how senior management can best approach these questions.

To read the full report, click here.