Navigating client reputation management: combined PR and legal considerations
17 May 2024
DRD Partnership’s Kate Miller joined a panel on ‘Navigating Client Reputation Management: Combined PR and Legal Considerations’ at the ThoughtLeaders4 conference earlier this month.
Kate Miller, Partner at DRD, gave expert insights as part of a panel discussion on ‘Navigating Client Reputation Management: Combined PR and Legal Considerations’ at the ThoughtLeaders4 conference, ‘The Media Disputes: Defamation, Privacy & Reputation Management Forum’, earlier this month.
The session, which focused on client reputation management, was chaired by Gideon Benaim, Partner and Head of the Reputation Protection team at Simkins LLP, and also included Claire Gill, Partner at Carter-Ruck, Dan Tench, Partner at CMS and Tim Maltin, Managing Partner at Maltin PR.
Kate and the other panellists provided their insights on, amongst other things:
- The ever-evolving media and regulatory landscape and the challenges this poses.
- How lawyers and communications experts work together effectively (during both the pre and post publication phases).
- Avenues to justice minimising reputational damage.
- Advocating for clients in the court of public opinion.
- Developing online strategies for clients throughout and following disputes.
- Managing reputation internationally in a 24/7 media eco-system.
A number of other sessions took place throughout the day, which featured experts from across the media law industry and covered a range of very topical issues such as, SLAPPS, Serious Harm tests, multi-claim proceedings in defamation, and the rise of AI and determining culpability for privacy, defamation and data protection breaches.